Ну и как ещё я мог перевести текст песни(!) со своим богатым языковым познаним? х)) AKADO - Oxymoron №2 по обещанию бразилийцу..бразилянину..жителю Бразилии
AKADO - Oxymoron №2
Ona vzhivalas’ v sotni lits.
(She was getting used to hundreds of faces)
Ona? Ono! Mojo AKADO.
(She? It! My AKADO [red way, blood way])
V yego slovah, dline resnits,
(In his words, in his length of cilia,)
Ya ponyal to, chto vam vsem nado.
(I found, understood what you are need)
Primknite ... primknite ... primknite, plot’ svoyu vkusite!
(Let adjoin.. let adjoin.. let adjoin, eat own flesh!)
Sozhgite, byeĭte, razrezh’te, vy vypyeĭte menya i s”esh’te.
(Burn me, beat me, cut me, drink me and eat me. )
Ono molchit, krichit i dyshit,
(It is silent, screaming and breathing,)
I nikogo vokrug ne slyshit.
(And it isn’t hearing anyone)
Vsyo eto tak krasivo, no,
(It is so beautiful but)
Uvy, drugogo prosto ne dano…
(Alas, there isn’t other)
PR.: Oshchushchat’ v sebe druguyu,
(Feels other in myself)
Kak i ya, no ne takuyu,
(Shi is like me but she isn’t me)
I nichto nas ne izmenit v vas.
(and nothing won’t change me to you)
My izmenyaem vashi kraski.
(We are changing yours paints)
I, pust’, cheyornym budet krasnyĭ
(Let the red will be black)
Odin iz nas proshchen, hotya byl greshen.
(One of us has been forgiven, despite he was a sinner.)
Drugoĭ bezgreshen, no raspyat.
(Another sinless, but crucified.)
I im ne predano znachen’ya,
(And no matter)
Kto iz nas prav, kto vinovat.
(who is right or wrong)
PR.: Dva puti - dve v zhizni nishi:
(Two ways, two lifes)
Ty moĭ Bog, a ya tvoĭ Nitsshe.
(You are my God, I'm your Nietzsche [slave].)
Ty v dobre moya chastichka zla!
(You are holy, my piece of evil)
Nikita’s “woman” voice:
Snachala ya dumala, chto ty i ya nesovmestimy …
(At first I thought you and I are incompatible ..)
Chto my oba ne mozhem uzhit’sya v odnom razume …
(That we both can’t get along in one mind .)
No teper’ ya ponimayu, chto tenyeĭ bez sveta, uvy, ne byvaet …
(But now I realize that the shadow without light, alas, doesn’t happen)
I ty bez menya nichto, kak i ya bez tebya ...
(And you are nothing without me, such I without you)
Poetomu umolyayu – vernis’, my drug drugu nuzhny...
(Because of this I’m praying – come back, we need each other)
Ya slaba, i tebe vybirat’…
(I’m weak, and you must choose ...)
Nikita’s “evi”l voice:
Ty znaesh’, dlya nas net puti nazad.
(You know, there isn't way back for us)
Ty v raĭ otpravish’sya, ya - v ad.
(You'll go to the Paradise, i'll go to the Hell)
Krik mol’by nikto ne slyshal,
(No one heared the scream of prayer)
Bog tvoĭ mertv, mertv i tvoĭ Nitsshe,
(Your God is dead, Your Nietzsche is dead )
Ya tot, kto otreksya ot tebya!
(I'm the one who has renounced you!)
Moyo dobro vo imya zla!
(My goodness in the name of evil!)
Sovmeshchaĭ – Dva puti kak dve stranitsy.
(Get combined - two paths as two pages.)
Razdelyaĭ – Raznyĭ smysl, te zhe litsa.
(Get divide - a different meaning, the same person.)
V kazhdom yest’ dva raznyh sushchestva!
(There are two different creatiures in everyone!)
.::Сегодня я - гений::.,
ужасно, ага? х))
Thank you very much^^
And don`t worrie about your english, it is totally understandable.